Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The End

*No spoilers here*

It was with great sadness that I read the final sentence in Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows last Saturday night. The journey has finally ended, and what an amazing journey it has been.

I remember only getting caught up in the Potter frenzy much later- quite a few years after the boy wizard was first introduced to the world. I was still at university in London at that time, and I could not understand what the hype was about this Harry Potter boy who went to magic school to learn spells and stuff, and thought it was rather odd to see huge men in suits reading Harry Potter (with the kiddie cover, no less) while riding the Tube on their way to work.

And then, when I was going through a rough patch (final year exams being only one of the problems) I started reading the 1st book- Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone; to ‘escape’ into another world. I remember curling up under my duvet as I sought relief in Harry’s magical world- bursting out into laughter as I read about mail-delivery-by-owl and chuckling at the way Hermione ALWAYS had an answer for everything.

With my dramatic outbursts and all, no wonder SW (my roommate) thought I was going bonkers!! Hahaha.

It was as if someone had cast the Lumos spell in my head (or the more sinister Imperius curse, perhaps? :p), and I’ve been hooked on Harry Potter ever since. And now, to reach the end of the journey with Harry, has been bittersweet indeed.

Sigh. Maybe I should read from book 1 all over again.

1 comment:

harrylee said...

PHPWS - post Harry Potter withdrawal syndrome ....

hahhaa, I have it too - although it does help to have SA2 lurking in the background