Wednesday, May 07, 2008

A mouse in the house...

We had a rather dramatic experience recently. A few nights ago, hubby got up in the dead of the night to check out the sound that was coming from our bathroom. Half-asleep, I heard him mumble, "The bathroom is wet." Now I was thinking.. "Huh? It's a bathroom, for crying out loud.. of course it's wet".

Turns out he was saying "The bathroom has a rat." Oh.My.Goodness.

We poked around the bathroom a little bit (making use of the long handle of the broom), while keeping the door open so that we could run out in a flash, and shut the door in time to prevent it from running out of the bathroom into the other areas of the house. Gosh.

We still couldn't see where the rat was (hubby was beginning to wonder if he was dreaming it all up), so we both decided to go back to sleep and worry about it in the morning. Needless to say, with all the adrenaline rushing from trying to battle a rat at 3 in the morning, we stayed awake for a good whole hour or two, while discussing where we could buy a mousetrap. And assuming we did actually manage to trap it, what next? I shuddered just thinking about the options.

By the way, did I mention there is only ONE bathroom in the whole house?!? Imagine trying to use the toilet while looking out for a rat that might just scuttle across the floor at any moment...

Anyway, when we got up the next morning, hubby decided to move the things in the bathroom out of the way so that we could get a clearer view of the rat... and there it was, hiding in the corner, looking at us with those cute(!) eyes.

And then, without warning, it RAN and LEAPT onto the top of the toilet bowl!! We screamed and half tried to run from it, while trying to trap it under a bucket at the same time. Anyway, everything happened so fast- the next thing we saw was the rat FALLING INTO the toilet bowl, where it dived right in and disappeared down the hole!!!

We shut the lid, put a heavy bottle of Dynamo over it, and flushed about 5 times. Needless to say, it required a certain amount of courage to use the toilet after that. O_o


harrylee said...

Hahaha, sounds like some horror movie to have some creature jump out of the toilet bowl while you are answering nature's call. Better keep your 'calls' short. Hahaha.

Getting any rat traps?

Hon Wai said...

What a story!