Thursday, December 29, 2016

Fabulous France Dec 2016 (Day 7): Off to Colmar

The next day saw us saying goodbye to Paris and hello to Colmar. Before we left, I took the kids for a quick walk by the river (the hubby was lying in bed as he felt unwell), and we also took a quick walk to see the famous Aurouze pest control shop featured in the movie Ratatouille.


Dead rats hanging in the window- they have been there since 1925!


We took a train to Colmar from Gare de L'est and arrived when it was dark and drizzling. We had a bit of trouble getting a taxi to our apartment so that was a tad stressful. Our apartment in Colmar was really lovely though, and much more spacious compared to the one we stayed at in Paris. There was even a jacuzzi!

We met up with my parents and my sister and her family- and then headed out to dinner. We got a fright when my mum walked right into a glass door (!!) and fell backwards onto the pavement. Thankfully she was not seriously injured- even though she fell like a toy soldier and hit the back of her head. Goodness gracious.

Such a quaint and pretty town- check out the beautiful views below, taken from the Rue de Turenne bridge.

Can't wait to explore Colmar tomorrow!

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