Tuesday, February 16, 2010

9+ months on...

So much has happened over the last few months!
  • First tooth made an appearance in December. Up till now, he still only has one tooth. The other one can't seem to break through the gums! Hmm.
  • As a prelude to crawling, he learnt to 'swim' on his tummy to propel himself forwards. Hilarious!
  • After a bout of 'swimming', he's finally learnt how to crawl, and since then, he's been going places! He now realises he's a lot more mobile and is always trying to wriggle about and climb over all kinds of stuff. It's getting a lot more tiring to watch him these days. Changing his diaper can be a workout in itself! Wow, wonder what it would be like when he learns to walk and run...
  • Oh, and he can pull himself up to a standing position too!
  • Strangely, he likes to burrow the back of his head into the pillow and mumbles 'mmmm' when he's about to sleep. He also likes to place something soft against his lips (e.g. pajama sleeve, bolster, etc) as he drifts off to sleep- just like his mummy!
  • We're trying to teach him to feed himself with a spoon. You can imagine the mess he makes! But I guess we should not stop trying, eh?
  • For some reason he's started to dislike drinking water. Not even from a bottle. We've tried various different cups, but to no avail. Sigh. The best way appears to be feeding him with a spoon, but I think he spits out more than he takes. He likes to go 'boooo' and 'phhpppt', and loves seeing the water spray all over the place! Naughty fella :p
  • We've taken him swimming a couple of times- he seems to enjoy it. Nice :)
  • He's quite fascinated with little things like labels, strings, ribbons, wheels, screws, etc. Give him a toy and he'll play with the label. Haha.
  • Loves tugging his own socks off. Absolutely hilarious to watch.
  • He's learnt to play with his tongue- stick it out and roll it about in his mouth. And he can 'flip' it too! Just like mummy :p
Ever since he started crawling, things seem to move along much faster- his development I mean :)

1 comment:

harrylee said...

Brilliant. Time to take out "My First Baby Excel Spreadsheet"!