Gosh. Updates on our little girl are waaaay overdue. So much has happened over the last few months- where should I start? Hmmm.
- She started walking at around 11 months, which was really exciting to watch. When she could walk around a bit more, she would hold both arms up- bent at the elbow- to balance herself, and toddle around, with each leg somewhat 'flapping' in turn, swaying a little side-to-side. A bit like a penguin. Hilarious!! At one point she also liked to pat herself on her chest while she walked. Feeling proud of herself, I suppose. Heh.
- She loves to explore and play on her own; she's quite independent that way. Good girl.
- She does get bullied quite often (sigh); her brother loves to snatch her toys away and sometimes shoves or smacks her as well. We're working hard on trying to get him to be more civil towards her, and we're slowly seeing some improvement, so we do hope that continues. She's learnt to kick up a big fuss whenever she gets bullied, and at the rate she's growing, she'll probably be big enough to defend herself soon! :p
- She's a real screamer- her screams and wails are seriously deafening.. and she's a real drama queen too!
- Her motor skills are quite good as well, and her physical development does appear to be faster than her brother's at the same age. One of the things she can do is to swirl a ball in a 'bowl', which is not really that easy because it involves a certain amount of control to keep the ball from swirling out of the bowl.
- Dancing- she loves that! It's sooo cute to see her pointing her fingers to the music, bending her knees and shaking her head and butt, and turning round and round :)
- For some reason, she drools A LOT! So much so that a bib is perpetually round her neck. Hmm, we never had that problem with that for No.1....
- She likes to 'smack'/pat pat me while I nurse her :p
- She loves bouncing on things; if she sees us lying down somewhere she would climb onto our backs or tummies and bounce away!
- She also loves bouncing and playing on the bed, which is actually quite dangerous. She's quite oblivious to the danger, going very near the edge of the bed, expecting us to always be there to catch her. Also, she loves to plonk backwards onto the bed! Such a playful little girl.
- Sad to say, she's a chronic thumbsucker. She sometimes even uses the other hand to pat pat her elbow, thus helping to keep the thumb firmly in her mouth. She sucked her thumb so much that a nasty looking scab developed on it. Yuck. We've since devised a way to help wean her off her thumb, using a sock tied firmly over the hand. Of course, we've had to substitute her thumb with a pacifier, so now she's hooked on the latter instead. Sigh.
May God bless you, our little darling!
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