I stumbled upon this blog about a year ago via Facebook. The writer and I have a mutual friend, and one day I chanced upon a comment that my friend left on her friend's wall, leading me to
this amazing blog.I truly believe God led me there. I was in my confinement period after delivering my little girl; and things were very hard. I was crying often and feeling crappy most of the time; partly due to the crazy hormones and the challenges of breastfeeding. Reading this blog actually made me cry even more, but it was a great reminder that the opportunity to be a mother is a blessing from God, and one that I would not trade for the world, despite it being a really tough job.
Maddy is about a few months older than my little girl, and she has Diastrophic Dysplasia, a rare form of dwarfism. This wonderful blog is mainly written by her mother, Nicole, and in it she displays an amazing amount of courage, optimism, strength and love. She writes about learning to live with their 'new normal', and her writing gives me a glimpse of her own motherhood journey. She writes about her feelings, her thoughts, Maddy's medical challenges, and through her writing I have learnt so much about dwarfism... but more importantly, what it means to be a mother.
As mothers we all hope for our children to be perfect and healthy, and sometimes, we may even take it for granted and just assume that will be the case. But sometimes, God allows the special mothers to be given special children, and along with it, He will supply an amazing amount of strength and grace. And that is why we read of mothers (and also fathers, of course) who will sacrifice anything and everything for the love of their child. And what amazing stories are those!
I have been so touched and humbled by this blog that I dropped Nicole a message on Facebook to tell her that, and she was gracious enough to send me a short reply. I still follow this blog closely and try to keep the family in my prayers; sometimes it feels like I 'know' little Maddy although I have never met her. She is such an adorable and beautiful little girl! :)
Do check out Nicole's blog if you can; start by reading 'Maddy's Story' and work your way from there. There is also one particular post written by Maddy's father- Bernard, which I guarantee will bring tears to your eyes.
May the Lord bless you and keep you always, lovely little Maddy!